Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Active and Healthy Aging

We may say that age is just a number. But when it comes to reality, its not. Aging is not just a physiological phenomenon. It includes so many changes in ones social, economic, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Sometimes, elderly people are considered to be a burden in the society and they are sidelined even in their families despite of been the backbone for decades.

World population prospect 2022, a report published by UN Department of Economic and social affairs estimates that 16% of the people will be of above 65 years of age by the end of 2050. Global population by that year will reach 9.7 billion, marking 1.7 billion as india's share. Elderly process is considered to be an end product of demographic transition or demographic achievement with decline in both birth and mortality rate, and consequent increase in life expectancy at birth. This will create a large dependant population and the responsibility of respective government to take care of this section is huge.

Taking care of old age people includes various aspects of Preventive, Promotive, Curative, and Rehabilitative aspects of their health. These key objectives of this geriatric care is recognised by the Govt of india under Atal Vayo Abhyudhaya Yojana, that was effective since 1st April, 2021. It includes various initiatives to assure financial security, food, healthcare and human interaction / life of dignity to the elderly population. Some noteworthy schemes like Rashtriya Vayosri Yojana, which provide physical aids and assisted living devices to senior citizens and the scheme SACRED(Senior able citizens for reemployment in dignity) that's launched on 1st October, 2021, to help them for taking employments for a dignified life, are some admirable schemes in this sector. By AGRASR(Active group aimed at social reconstruction ) they are encouraged to form Self Help Groups.

National program for Healthcare of elderly, launched in 2010-2011 to provide comprehensive and dedicated healthcare facilities for elderly people above 60 years at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. There are lots of programmes the Govt has initiated under this scheme to take care of the elderlies. Through Indira Gandhi National old age Pension scheme, the Govt is providing 200₹/month for all the people above 60 years of age, who are from BPL category. After they attain the age of 80, the amount will be increased upto 500₹/ month. Similarly, there are lots of welfare schemes and programs were initiated by the centre and the respective state governments in the line of Geriatric care. Monthly pension of 1200₹/ month to economically weaker person above 60 years, is a scheme in Kerala that promised lots of social changes, not just for elderly but even in the society as whole.

Although these schems are running, the population estimates suggested that the present day health sector is not prepared to manage the upcoming demand in this area. The govt should provide more targeted schemes to assure the welfare of this population. It can provide more subsidies to the treatments and to buy equipments for those people with mobility issues. Promoting more startups to assure accessibility to these services are much needed in achieving the benefits of different schemes. The govt should also promote private sector and provide tax reductions for investments and returns in this key healthcare need Mandatory health saving plan or schemes from the early age will reduce the burden of the Govt spending so that the money can be purposefully utilised in another key areas of economy. Private insurance reforms and its accessibility, liberalisation and simplification will be also beneficial to the people who are not well aware of the insurance policies and its complexities.

The society has to uplifted by energy of younger generations with the experience of the older generations. In this way, elderlies are the greatest asset to our society, not to be considered as dormant.


  1. Relevent topic of the hour, well presented with noteworthy observations
